
Oct 19, 2010

A Day Off?

I'm sitting in my bed, playing with my blog today....You see, it's my birthday. My children have decided there are two things that they can give to me...a clean house, or a day off. My children don't want to clean the house today, so they've told me I get a day off :)

Ah! How do mothers do it all day without children! :) I have looked at every blog in the universe. Changed my own several times. Deleted over 200 emails and organized 200 more. Listened to several general conference talks, and homeschooling talks, read things I wanted to get read, and taken a nap. IT'S ONLY 11:oo AM!

I remember when I first began homeschooling and was talking with my friend who introduced me to tjed; and I asked her...what do you do when you need a break? She looked at me with a funny look on her face and I realized...SHE DOESN'T NEED A BREAK. How could that be? How could a mother not need to have a break from her children...doesn't she need time for herself, doesn't she need to fill her cup, doesn't she need a break from the work...physical and mental?

I also remember thinking I will never get there. I will never become that person. It took four years, but I remember the day that my husband said...why don't you go out, why don't you visit with your friends, why don't you take a class. And I realized I didn't need to. I don't need a break from my children. I love them. They are a part of me. They make my days full and joyfull. (I do not have perfect children, often their little tendencies drive me a little crazy, they still rough house, make messes and neglect things I think they should do....but I don't need a break from these things) When there is something I don't love about my child I realize what is happening is really that I need to do some teaching, some training, some more loving. You see, I have accepted my role as the mother of this home. It is my job to make my home what I would like it to be. If I am unhappy here it is my job to change it. Needing a break is (for me) just running away from the problems that need to be fixed.

The world teaches us as women and especially as mothers that we are entitled to a break, to do something for ourselves, to go to lunch with our friends, to talk on the phone all day, to escape from our "reality" for a minute, to have "time out for women" (pun intended). But I do not think that is what the Lord teaches us. I know it is not what Julie B Beck, our general relief society president is teaching (since I just finished listening to her talk again). She counseled us not to be "silly" women, she counseled us not to spend money on things which have no value, she counseled us to pray and to read our scriptures. We don't need our mothers, sisters, friends, confidants, neighbors to get those things done. We just need the Lord.

Well, I don't know how much more of this time off I can stand. I think I'll sneak out of my room and see if I get caught....well, maybe after one more nap :)

(disclaimer....I just wanted to point our that I do not think that enriching yourself, going to lunch, talking or the phone, or going to a seminar are evil or wrong or not what the Lord wants. What I do think is wrong is when we put those things above our families or above the Lord and what He wants us to my opinon :) )

Oct 16, 2010


So, this wasn't the post I planned to write after my long sabatical from writing :) But I have been inspired as I was pondering Misfit Cygnet's blog post from earlier this week. If you don't read her blog, you should!

I left this comment on her blog earlier this week regarding the book Hunger Games. (sorry for those of you who have read it already...but I did change a few things)

I am a recovering Harry Potter addict. I read all of the books several times. I loved them. They were the thing that got me reading again. I loved listening to them. I could answer every question about "Harry Potter-ness." I will admit I was a little ( a lot) obsessed.

AND THEN, and then my eyes were opened to what God teaches about the glorification of priestcrafts and witchcraft.

Morm. 1: 19

19 And it came to pass that there were sorceries, and witchcrafts, and magics; and the power of the evil one was wrought upon all the face of the land, even unto the fulfilling of all the words of Abinadi, and also Samurel the Lamanite.

Morm. 2: 10

10 And it came to pass that the Nephites began to repent of their iniquity, and began to cry even as had been prophesied by Samuel the prophet; for behold no man could keep that which was his own, for the thieves, and the robbers, and the murderers, and the magic art, and the witchcraft which was in the land.

My extended family likes to give me a hard time because I used to love Harry Potter and then I quit cold turkey…threw out my books, threw out the movies (this was back when there were only two), and refused to see anymore.

I should mention here...I DO NOT desire to create a Harry Potter debate, or Hunger Game, or any other book that has magic, violence, romance, questionable language, etc. in it. I want to talk about principles. And for me the principle was obedience. God says this is wrong, that this is the power of the evil one, this is a kin to murderer's and thieves and robbers. So for me and my family we choose to believe it is wrong and do not partake.

However, this obedience has created a problem for me, now I am nervous even to read Narnia because of the “magic” and perversions. I cringe when I read the “magic” chapter in the Secret Garden or the inuendo’s in the Giver. It is so prevelant. It is everywhere. So, how do YOU judge? What criteria do you judge your books against?
My daughter received The Bridge to Terribithia for her birthday last year. She read the first chapter. It takes the Lord’s name in vain several times. She said she would not like to read it. I am proud of her for her courage and virtue. However, she now chooses not to read because she is afraid of what she will find. She is sticking with Little House on the Prarie and Anne of Green Gables and I can’t say I blame her. Almost every other book out there is steeped in magic (satan’s imitation of power), romance and/or pornography, incorrect attitudes towards parents and family or gender roles, glorification of self and achievements, etc. It is hard even to find picture books to read to small children that don’t include these over-tones. I once thought they were cute and fun and childlike. Now I understand them for what they are…calling evil good and good evil.

So, I began pondering......what makes a book good? What makes a book a classic? What makes it okay to read? What is the Lord's standard for me. What is the principle?

I have read some books that some consider classics. I will mention two here for the sake of my own personal argument (which may or may not be corect). And as I mentioned above I do not desire to start a dialogue about specific books and if they are good or not. But I thought of two books that I have enjoyed in the past and are "classics" Enders Game and Elantris. Both of these books, in my opinion, contain graphic violence and graphic language. Both also have strong messages about good and bad as well as virtues, friendships, qualities of a good leader, human nature, world views, healing etc.

When (just being honest for myself here)I reflect upon what I learned from reading them.....I did learn things. I learned things about society, I learned things about myself, I learned things about others that I love. My eyes were opened to understand things I didn't understand before. They were also both highly entertaining, quick paced, and well written. I did learn things. I did gain understanding. I did enjoy a good story. The Lord taught me some things from these books that I needed to learn.

BUT...and you'll notice it's a BIG BUT. When I read a classic like Jane Eyre I wanted to be more virtuous. I wanted to be more courageous. I wanted to be strong willed in my desires to keep the commandments...all of God's commands, not just the temptation to avoid immorality. I desire and am willing to sacrifice in order to become that type of person.

When I read The Chosen I want to be a better parent. I want to be a better friend. I want to understand the Jews, and other cultures and beliefs. I want to be vigilant in doing what I know my mission in life is to do and be. I want to read the Bible more and gain greater understanding. I want to become a better person.

EVERY TIME I read these books I am recommitted to those principles, and new ones. So, I may be wrong (as misfit says....I often am :) ) but I think truly to be a classic it must not only change us because we learn grow and have a different perspective, BUT (there's that word again) we must truly come closer to God by reading it. The book must give us courage and strength and righteous desires, and virtue, knowledge and ability to BE better. To be more like God is. It should help us see ourselves and others for who we truly are and who we truly must become. It should leave us wanting more...not because we wish the story would not have ended, but because we have been spiritually edified. Because we have received a new heart. Because we have repented of our lack of faith and understanding. Because for a few pages we were nearer to being who God means for us to be.

I have a new standard. It's a pretty high one. It's a pretty scary one. It's one that is going to take lots of prayer and faith and obedience. But I believe my time here on earth is precious. It is the time for me to prepare to meet God. I don't want to waste it when He can and I believe wants to guide me to something so much greater if I just turn it over to Him.
What books have you read lately that have drawn you closer to God, that have changed your heart, that have inspired you to BEcome?