That morning as I was finishing my morning prayers the spirit whispered that I should probably prepare a few words to say incase I had to give a speech. My bishop nominated me and so I did give a speech. A few, very few really, have asked me to write it down and send it to them so here it is.
I have lots of things that I can think of to say tonight, but I'd like to tell you some of the things that I love about America, and I would like to take them from the pledge of allegience. I love living in a country that is Under God. A country where I can choose to worship how when and why I choose and that my neighbor who is of a different faith than I am can choose to worship how when and why he chooses. I love living in a country that believes in Liberty; that allows groups like this one where we are free to gather, free to express our opinions. I am glad to live in a country where we have the liberty and freedom to get an education and to persue employment. And I am glad to live in a country that believes in Justice for all...for men and women, for rich and poor, for old and young. A country that believes that all men are created equal under God.
But I am concerned, it is the reason why I am hear tonight. I am concerned by the things I see happening in our country. I am concerned when I recently attended a City Council Meeting and found the city council refusing to listen to the people...asking them for permission to have chickens. I am concerned when I see myself and others loosing the freedom to do things on their own property. I am concerned when I see Public Servants who have forgotten that they are just that...public servants instead of serving their own interest. I am concerned when Public Servants do things for profit, for politics, or for personal reasons.
I would like to represent Legistlative District __ and you in seeking justice and liberty for all under God. Thank You
It really wasn't that great of a speech, but I was passionate :) and I did believe all the things I said. But boy, was I nervous :)
You are so brave and cool!! I'm not ready to tackle politics yet. I guess I'm too busy having babies. Some day!