
Jul 28, 2010

A Sunny Disposition

Sunshine Filling the Whole page....Fill it FULL of things that make you cheerful.

Some were things they gave

Some were things they got

Some were things they did

Some were things they thought

Little Black Rain Cloud on the back...What things make you un-cheerful

Disapointment in Self

Disappoinment in Others


Sunny's a choice
What can you do when the rain clouds come?

Story about a girl, their age, dying of cancer. Spent her last days knitting hand towels for others. You can always give, you can always be cheerful.

What is a Sunshine Keeper?

What did I learn?

There are things we DO to make us happy....Listen to a book on cd, Read, Cleaning,
There are places we GO that make us happy....Home, Church, Nature, Vacation

There are PEOPLE that make us happy....the Lord, Family, Friends, Visitors

We can GET things to make us, food, treats

We can GIVE things to mae us happy...service, cards, smiles

There are soooo many reasons to be cheerful. It is good to understand a little about ourselves...what makes us cheerful. Some of us need a moment by ourselves to "recharge" others light up when they are in a crowd. Some of us need to give, some need to get. But all of us can choose to be cheerful. We can chose to scatter sunshine all along our way.

Previous to Christ agony and death he told his apostles to be of good cheer. Why would he do that when he was about to suffer as no man has suffered, be betrayed, tortured and die? Because he knew they could choose, and he wanted them to choose cheer. He knew this was a BIG rain cloud coming BUT he continues..."I have overcome the world" We can have ultimate cheer and happiness through the Savior, and His Atonment that we all can, threw Him, overcome the world. We can overcome our little dark rain clouds and bask in the light of His love.

Other Resources: Finding Joy in Life Barbara W Winder, former RS President

Heritage Notebook Quote: So of cheerfulness...the more it is spent, the more it remains

Ralph Waldo Emerson


10 c Wheat Flour
4 Cups of Buttermilk....1 c water can be substituted for 1 c buttermilk
½ c of Butter
Knead and Soak overnight.
Add 2 tsp of Baking soda
Add 2 tsp of salt
Knead and break into small balls. Roll out with rolling pin or flatten in tortilla press. Cook until brown.

Black Beans
Soak Beans with ¼ cup of whey and cover in 2 inches of water
Rinse beans after 12 hours and soak in whey and water again
Rinse beans after 12 hours and cook in crockpot on low. Add ¼ cup of whey, onions and spices as desired...cover in 2 inches of water.
Cook 6 hours on low in crockpot
Add to rice and corn and heat together. Mash and serve on burrito or tostada

2 rip avacados
juice of 1 lemon
2 T cilantro
mash and mix 1 can tomato paste

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