
Jul 7, 2010

Giving Thanks

I have been listening to the book "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. He is the young-40 something-man who passed away from Pancreatic Cancer and wanted to leave a legacy for his children so he did a lecture that made him famous. I have been appreciating his candid fresh approach to life and death and today his words were poetic to me.

I was worried...worried about those in my life who are making poor choices, worried about siblings who are at the end of their ropes, worried about thier children and how to help.

I was frustrated...frustrated by the fact that it takes ALL day long just to deep clean the kitchen...UGH! frustrated at my kids who helped for a minute, (okay it was like 4 hours) and then found something more enjoyable to do(..okay it was productive, and creative), frustrated that at 5:00 when my hubby came home I was still mopping the floor...working on the project I started on this morning when he left at 7:00

I was sad...sad that I want to be a mother and not a babysitter, sad that I want to reach out and nurture sweet children who need a mother, sad that I want to put that poor little one on a schedule so he can get some sleep.

And then as I mopped, and scrubbed, and washed, and polished I listened, and I learned, and I thought, about giving thanks.

I am thankful

A husband who provides for my family,

Guidance from God

Teaching our children.

Listening to the Spirit

Understand responsibility and accountability

I can only control myself

I am thankful

A kitchen floor to mop

Strength to work hard all day

Kids who will help me for a little while (forever to them)

A home


Tomorrow to do it all over again (hopefully not from 7 to 5 though :) )

I am thankful

Understanding of my role

Desires to be a mother


Love for Children


Good friends who inspire me

I am thankful today for wise words of a man who has now passed on, but left a legacy, not only for his own children,...but today, for ME. For me to SEE gratitude, and love, and joy in a day that was hum-drum and filled with worry and doubt. I am thankful....

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